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How to integrate new REST POST web service with BLC

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:55 am
by boseseb
Need help on POST - JAXB with BLC
I was trying to integrate a POST web service with BLC, which will expose the URL to a 3rd party system to update the order status.
- 3rd party system will pass the order status as XML .
- BLC is not able to locate the JAXB class which I created. (com.mycompany.wrapper.setorderstatus.req.Orderstatus)

BLC Exception:

[ERROR] 14:27:08 BroadleafRestExceptionMapper - An exception was caught by the JAX-RS framework: Status: 500 Message: null javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: com.mycompany.wrapper.setorderstatus.req.Orderstatus is not known to this context
at com.sun.jersey.core.provider.jaxb.AbstractJAXBElementProvider.readFrom(
at com.sun.jersey.core.provider.jaxb.AbstractJAXBElementProvider.readFrom(
at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest.getEntity(
at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.EntityParamDispatchProvider$EntityInjectable.getValue(
at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.inject.InjectableValuesProvider.getInjectableValues(
at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.model.method.dispatch.AbstractResourceMethodDispatchProvider$EntityParamInInvoker.getParams(

Can anyone help me on this?
