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How to get the SkuID from product/productOption ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:20 pm
by meifullerton

I have a product that has productOption (that has multiple values), for each Product-ProductOption (say the Red Shirt), how do I find the SKU#? There is a table for Product_Option_Xref, and SKU_Option_Value_XREF, but I can't seem to find the SKU for Product_Option_Xref.


Re: How to get the SkuID from product/productOption ?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:58 pm
by phillipuniverse
A product has multiple product options, a product option has multiple product option values, and a Sku has multiple product option values. You can get to the Sku by looking at permutations of the product option values.