Thanks phillipuniverse and jfridye for your responses.
Using Spring Java configuration instead of XML where possible. This is easier to develop with.
Yes you are right. We can anytime choose our Spring flavour to use. Just for clarity, I meant using @Enable* & @Beans annotations.
Like @EnableWebMvc,
@EnableJpaRepositories, @EnableTransactionManagement ...
(Just in case you want to see a sample: git clone ... config.git)
(For Spring Secuirty java configuration, its under development . javaconfig/)
Somehow Java config look more natural and eye pleasant to me. (Totally my opinion).
@EnableJpaRepositories - Though I have not explored code for BLC 3 yet, if not used, Spring Data provides CRUD / Paging operation on the Entities out of the box. .Similiar to what GORM provides. Might help reducing some code.
2. Option to choose Thymleaf or plain JSP + Apache Tiles in view layer.
I think I will try to live with Thymleaf for now to avoid the re-work. I am just a newbie and need a lot of motivation before learning some new framework
Somehow I am not that convinced to learn it just because it allows you to create .html files instead of .jsp which can be opened like raw html file in browser. That also won't always get displayed correctly with styling/ layout. And my UI guy is still gonna provide me the plain HTML - without thymleaf. At end of day I do have to play with view layer.
Also, to make use of any other tag library (e.g Spring Security tags, recaptcha, XYZ..), you got to create your own dialect.
(Yes, Thymleaf has provided one for Spring Security -
Looks like a little re-work to me :-p (Again, totally my opinion)
3. In build support for OpenId/ Facbook / Twitter login.
Thanks for the URL. I will try to follow the steps and integrate it at my end. Just to confirm with you, I downloaded 2.2.0-GA version 5 days back. It does not have dependencies for Spring Social in POM.xml (hence I believe its not integrated). Is Spring Social integration not part of offcial release version?
Thanks a lot.
Keep up the great work.