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Eclipse - WTP admin application gives sql error

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:47 pm
by TTLee
I am a newbie to "Broadleaf Commerce". Thank you very much for providing the platform.

I am able follow the eclipse-wtp doc to add demo application and ran it.
However, the admin application gives me sql error when I ran it.

Mar 21, 2011 8:13:36 PM org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
SEVERE: Table not found in statement [select adminuseri0_.ADMIN_USER_ID as ADMIN1_44_, adminuseri0_.EMAIL as EMAIL44_, adminuseri0_.LOGIN as LOGIN44_, adminuseri0_.NAME as NAME44_, adminuseri0_.PASSWORD as PASSWORD44_ from BLC_ADMIN_USER adminuseri0_ where adminuseri0_.LOGIN=?]

I have already started the db.

java -classpath WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:data/broadleaf -dbname.0 broadleaf

Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. follow "Adding in the Admin Application" of ... ipse+-+WTP
2. start db like java -classpath D:\ProgramFiles\broadleaf\lib\demo\hsqldb\hsqldb\\hsqldb- org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:data\broadleaf -dbname.0 broadleaf

3. go to http://localhost:8081/broadleafadmin/ , enter admin/blc_admin, you will get above sql exception.

did I miss anyting?

Re: Eclipse - WTP admin application gives sql error

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:19 am
by jefffischer
Have you tried to run the admin using the Eclipse projects attached to the tutorial? specifically is attached to the project and should have everything you need minus the dependency libraries, which you can simple copy in.

Also, you'll note that we mention on this tutorial page that the 1.1 admin is being deprecated in favor of an entirely re-worked admin platform. This new admin is part of our 1.5 release and will be available for use in our 1.5 Milestone release in early April. Of course, there will be other milestone releases before the official 1.5 later this year, but the 1.5 M1 release , when available, will certainly be viable for starting new projects. Stay tuned...

Re: Eclipse - WTP admin application gives sql error

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:26 pm
by TTLee
Thanks for the help. I will try that

Re: Eclipse - WTP admin application gives sql error

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:24 pm
by rpierre33
Which do you developers prefer? Netbeans or Eclipse? For me at least, I prefer Eclipse as it has a lot more power and functions available for the user to use. I know that they are just the same IDE and functions more or less the same manner but Eclipse just has a lot more to it.

I like the implementation of netbeans however as it was the first IDE I got to familiarize with thanks to the panel containing the services and applications running.