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Custom admin export function

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:15 pm
by mercury1231
I had this customized admin function that export some list of entities. It's been working mostly fine however from time to time it's complaining about this issue when accessing from the webpage. What it does is accepting a list of IDs (some sort of), and look up in the database, and export them into an excel file. In the backend there does not seem to have any errors or exceptions.

This is bothering me so much that I don't have any clue why this happens. Is it relevant to CSRF token or any sort of cache?

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Re: Custom admin export function

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:59 pm
by phillipuniverse
Difficult to tell without having a look at your controller. However, it seems that you're submitting the csrfToken in a GET request; this is not required and is only required with POST requests.

What does your admin controller look like that handles this URL?