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New to Broadleaf, need info on customization

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:48 am
by peppix
I am new to Broadleaf, I installed it locally and can run the examples, I also took a look at the docs but I still cannot decide if BL is the product that can help me in a new project.
I have to build a website where the user can access specific pages only if he/she has a paid subscription, moreover the website will have many static pages freely accessible, a section for the website will be for classic online shopping, this is why I was looking at this interesting product.

My question is this, how much it will be difficult, if possible, to integrate the solution for the paid subscriptions (that I still have to build) with the static content (many pages) and the shopping module?

Thanks in advance.

Re: New to Broadleaf, need info on customization

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:03 pm
by jefffischer
This is easy, but will require some Java and Spring security knowledge. You can refer to Spring's documentation online for specifics and you can look at *-security-applicationContext.xml files in the demo for examples of how protect certain pages in the site. I'm assuming your paid subscribers will be logging in to access these pages.