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Search Redirect

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:46 am
by benhenda89
I Locate in the database of broadleaf, a table who call blc_search_intercept ( ...,SerachTerm,URL)
Normally, what I understand is that when you make a new search, the URL of the redirection will be recorded in this table
but no new research is recorded in this table.
Please, what is this table ?

And thank You in Advanced

Re: Search Redirect

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:39 am
by phillipuniverse
That table so that you can create entries that map from when a user types something in the search bar and you want them to go to a specific URL. It is something that you set up before hand. In the case of the heat clinic, you might create a "SearchTerm" called 'hoppin hot sauce' and then the URL be '/hot_sauces/hoppin_hot_sauce' which would mean that if a user typed that search term they wouldn't be on a search results page they would go straight to that URL.