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Adding Wishlist to Solr Search ?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:42 pm
by sumit784

I am currently working on one of my specific req. on the homepage of my application, I need to show various product bundles, but I am doing it in the form of "Wishlist". So this is what I am trying to do :-

- Creating a Internal user (dummy user) account.
- Creating several different product combinations in form of Wishlist and saving it against this user account. Say there are 20 wishlist, with different product combinations.
- Once saved, these wishlist will be static and will/may never change.
- I want to show these wishlist on the homepage, like they are displayed in user account, but I want to show them by DEFAULT for all users.
- So, instead to just fetching the products for "/home" category, I need to fetch these wishlist and show them on homepage.

The Problem :-
My initial analysis shows that , the Wishlist are NOT being indexed by Solr and any query for it, directly hits the DB.

- How can I index this dummy user account specific wishlist and can use the "SolrSearchService" to fetch/show it everytime to all user.
- I will be displaying the the wishlist exactly its show in logged in account.

Few more things :-
- I am just starting the Solar search and did not clearly understood the concept of facet and other things. Any detailed reply or documentation will really help.
- In general, how do I add the product description, Manufacture, Price, product options, Category Name, and anything else as in the Solar Search ?

A detailed response is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

- Sumit