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Running Admin and Site on Standalone Tomcat

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:20 am
by mota_nginya
Hello Maestros,

I am faced with an issue that I think most of you have solved already and would need your help. I have done some modifications with the demo and was able to understand how to use and maintain most of the demo site. By that I think it is a great start for ecommerce developers in our stark. Here are my issues:

1. When I deploy the site and admin separately to a standalone tomcat, I am unable to access both of them using http://localhost:8080 and http://localhost:8080/admin. I usually deploy these apps as follows:
a. I drop site into the webapps folder of tomcat as ROOT.war
b. I drop admin into the webapps folder as admin.war
After that is done I start my tomcat server. Tomcat starts without errors but I am unable to get my site using the urls above but when I do http://localhost:8080/merchandise it works fine. For the admin, I usually get the login page for the first time and then when I enter the username and password, it gives me an 404 error and kicks me out. After that I am not able to get to the page again. Is this related to the fact that the admin page forwards to https when login is submitted, and are my problems related the forwarding to https? If so can you point me to information on how to configure ssl certificate on a standalone tomcat, I am new to this. My tomcat is running on my mac book pro but I noticed the same thing when I deploy to a sandbox vps.

Everything works well when I use my IDE and tomcat but that is done using the tomcat7-maven-plugin with the ssl congiguration in the pom.xml.


Re: Running Admin and Site on Standalone Tomcat

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:51 pm
by jefffischer
Curious - does it work if you name it heatclinic.war instead of ROOT.war? In this case, you would access the demo via http://localhost:8080/heatclinic and the admin at http://localhost:8080/admin.

Re: Running Admin and Site on Standalone Tomcat

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:00 pm
by mota_nginya
I explained the resolution of this issue here That was a tricky one to say the least.