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No mapping found for HTTP request ...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:26 pm
by hennessy
After followed of step in getting started rubric regarding to the installation of HeatClinic, I alaways receive "No mapping found for HTTP request with uri [/].... with the page HTTP ERROR 404 , Problem accessing /. reason

I don't know where the problem is and I'm new with Broadleaf Commerce. Is someone has already fixed it?

There's my stack trace =>

Buildfile: /Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/build.xml
[echo] Starting Data Base...
[artifact:mvn] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
[artifact:mvn] objc[19564]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/libinstrument.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
[artifact:mvn] Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[artifact:mvn] [INFO]
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Building site 1.0
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Webapp source directory = /Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/target/cartimp
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Reload Mechanic: automatic
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Classes = /Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/target/cartimp/WEB-INF/classes
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Configuring Jetty from xml configuration file = /Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/jetty-server.xml
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Context path = /
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Tmp directory = /Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/target/tmp
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:00:31.712:INFO:/:Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
[artifact:mvn] [SUPPORT] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - START - Transform - Copying into [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.SkuImpl] from [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.QuantityAvailableSkuTemplate]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Adding field [quantityAvailable]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Marking as replaced [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.SkuImpl|getQuantityAvailable|()Ljava/lang/Integer;]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Removing method [getQuantityAvailable]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Adding method [getQuantityAvailable]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Marking as replaced [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.SkuImpl|setQuantityAvailable|(Ljava/lang/Integer;)V]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Removing method [setQuantityAvailable]
[artifact:mvn] [DEBUG] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - Adding method [setQuantityAvailable]
[artifact:mvn] [SUPPORT] 22:00:55 DirectCopyClassTransformer - Basic Inventory Management - END - Transform - Copying into [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.SkuImpl] from [org.broadleafcommerce.core.catalog.domain.QuantityAvailableSkuTemplate]
[artifact:mvn] [ WARN] 22:01:05 AbstractEhcacheRegionFactory - HHH020003: Could not find a specific ehcache configuration for cache named [blSandBoxElements]; using defaults.
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO drop constraint FK3BFDBD63B5D9C34D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO drop constraint FK3BFDBD63D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO drop constraint FK3BFDBD631891FF79
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDITIONAL_OFFER_INFO
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDRESS drop constraint FK299F86CEA46E16CF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDRESS drop constraint FK299F86CEF1A6533F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDRESS drop constraint FK299F86CEBF4449BA
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDRESS drop constraint FK299F86CEE12DC0C8
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADDRESS drop constraint FK299F86CE337C4D50
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_ENTITY drop constraint FK23C09E3DE88B7D38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_ENTITY
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FKBCAD1F5E88B7D38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FKBCAD1F575A3C445
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_ROLE_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FK4A819D98E88B7D38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_ROLE_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_ROLE_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FK4A819D985F43AAD8
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_ROLE_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_SECTION drop constraint FK7EA7D92FB1A18498
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_SECTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_SEC_PERM_XREF drop constraint FK5E832966E88B7D38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_SEC_PERM_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_SEC_PERM_XREF drop constraint FK5E8329663AF7F0FC
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_SEC_PERM_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_ADDTL_FIELDS drop constraint FK73274CDD46EBC38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_ADDTL_FIELDS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FKF0B3BEEDE88B7D38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_PERMISSION_XREF drop constraint FKF0B3BEED46EBC38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_PERMISSION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_ROLE_XREF drop constraint FKFFD33A265F43AAD8
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_ROLE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_ROLE_XREF drop constraint FKFFD33A2646EBC38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_ROLE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_SANDBOX drop constraint FKD0A97E09579FE59D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_SANDBOX
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ADMIN_USER_SANDBOX drop constraint FKD0A97E0946EBC38
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ADMIN_USER_SANDBOX
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ASSET_DESC_MAP drop constraint FKE886BAE3E2BA0C9D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ASSET_DESC_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ASSET_DESC_MAP drop constraint FKE886BAE367F70B63
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ASSET_DESC_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK489703DBCCF29B96
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK489703DBB78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK489703DB9AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_BUNDLE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_BUND_ITEM_FEE_PRICE drop constraint FK14267A943FC68307
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_EXCL_XREF drop constraint FK8361EF4EB96B1C93
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_EXCL_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_XREF drop constraint FK32210EEB15D1A13D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_XREF drop constraint FK32210EEBB96B1C93
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CAT_SEARCH_FACET_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CAT_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG drop constraint FK1BA4E695C5F3D60
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CAT_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CAT_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG drop constraint FK1BA4E69BCAB9F56
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CAT_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER drop constraint FK7716F0241422B204
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER drop constraint FK7716F024A1E1C128
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS drop constraint FK75B95AB9C13085DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS drop constraint FK75B95AB97470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE drop constraint FKB974C8217470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_ATTRIBUTE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FK685E80397470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FK685E8039D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT drop constraint FK8B3DF0CBC13085DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT drop constraint FK8B3DF0CB7470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_FIELDS drop constraint FK5CCB14ADCA0B98E0
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_FIELDS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_PHONE drop constraint FK3D28ED737470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_PHONE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_PHONE drop constraint FK3D28ED73D894CB5D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_PHONE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_ROLE drop constraint FK548EB7B17470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_ROLE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUSTOMER_ROLE drop constraint FK548EB7B1B8587B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUSTOMER_ROLE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_CUST_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG drop constraint FK67C0DBA0BCAB9F56
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_CUST_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DATA_DRVN_ENUM_VAL drop constraint FKB2D5700DA60E0554
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DATA_DRVN_ENUM_VAL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKBC3A8A845CDFCA80
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKBC3A8A845F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKBC3A8A84B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKBC3A8A841285903B
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKBC3A8A849AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DISC_ITEM_FEE_PRICE drop constraint FK2A641CC8B76B9466
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DISC_ITEM_FEE_PRICE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_DYN_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK209DEE9EB76B9466
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_DYN_DISCRETE_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_EMAIL_TRACKING_CLICKS drop constraint FKFDF9F52AFA1E5D61
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_EMAIL_TRACKING_CLICKS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_EMAIL_TRACKING_OPENS drop constraint FKA5C3722AFA1E5D61
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_EMAIL_TRACKING_OPENS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FK468C8F255028DC55
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FK468C8F25D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_FEE_TAX_XREF drop constraint FK25426DC071448C19
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_FEE_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_FEE_TAX_XREF drop constraint FK25426DC0598F6D02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_FEE_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_FG_TAX_XREF drop constraint FK61BEA45571448C19
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_FG_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_FG_TAX_XREF drop constraint FK61BEA4555028DC55
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_FG_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_ITEM_TAX_XREF drop constraint FKDD3E844371448C19
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_ITEM_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FG_ITEM_TAX_XREF drop constraint FKDD3E8443E3BBB4D2
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FG_ITEM_TAX_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FIELD_SEARCH_TYPES drop constraint FKF52D130D3C3907C4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FIELD_SEARCH_TYPES
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FLD_DEF drop constraint FK3FCB575E38D08AB5
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FLD_DEF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FLD_DEF drop constraint FK3FCB575E6A79BDB5
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FLD_DEF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FLD_ENUM_ITEM drop constraint FK83A6A84AFD2EA299
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FLD_ENUM_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP drop constraint FKC5B9EF18C13085DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP drop constraint FKC5B9EF1881F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP drop constraint FKC5B9EF1889FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP drop constraint FKC5B9EF1877F565E1
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP drop constraint FKC5B9EF18D894CB5D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_FEE drop constraint FK6AA8E1BF5028DC55
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_FEE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ITEM drop constraint FKEA74EBDA5028DC55
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ITEM drop constraint FKEA74EBDA9AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_GROUP_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION_FIXED drop constraint FK408360313E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION_FIXED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION_FIXED drop constraint FK4083603181F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPTION_FIXED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_PRC drop constraint FKB1FD71E981F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_PRC
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_WGT drop constraint FKB1FD8AEC81F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_OPT_BANDED_WGT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_PRICE_BAND drop constraint FK46C9EA726CDF59CA
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_PRICE_BAND
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_FULFILLMENT_WEIGHT_BAND drop constraint FK6A048D95A0B429C3
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_FULFILLMENT_WEIGHT_BAND
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_GIFTWRAP_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FKE1BE1563B76B9466
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_GIFTWRAP_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_IMG_STATIC_ASSET drop constraint FKCC4B772167F70B63
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_IMG_STATIC_ASSET
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ITEM_OFFER_QUALIFIER drop constraint FKD9C50C61D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ITEM_OFFER_QUALIFIER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ITEM_OFFER_QUALIFIER drop constraint FKD9C50C619AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ITEM_OFFER_QUALIFIER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_LOCALE drop constraint FK56C7DC203E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_LOCALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_OFFER_CODE drop constraint FK76B8C8D6D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_OFFER_CODE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_OFFER_INFO_FIELDS drop constraint FKA901886183AE7237
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_OFFER_INFO_FIELDS
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_OFFER_RULE_MAP drop constraint FKCA468FE2C11A218D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_OFFER_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_OFFER_RULE_MAP drop constraint FKCA468FE245C66D1D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_OFFER_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER drop constraint FK8F5B64A83E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER drop constraint FK8F5B64A87470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER drop constraint FK8F5B64A8A1E1C128
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FK1E92D164D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FK1E92D16489FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ATTRIBUTE drop constraint FKB3A467A589FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ATTRIBUTE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK9A2E704A15D1A13D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK9A2E704AFD2F1F10
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK9A2E704A89FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK9A2E704AB0B0D00A
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM drop constraint FK9A2E704A77F565E1
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADD_ATTR drop constraint FKA466AB44B76B9466
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADD_ATTR
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FKA2658C82D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT drop constraint FKA2658C829AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE drop constraint FK9F1ED0C79AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_DTL_ADJ drop constraint FK85F0248FD5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_DTL_ADJ
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_DTL_ADJ drop constraint FK85F0248FD4AEA2C0
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_DTL_ADJ
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_ITEM_PRICE_DTL drop constraint FK1FB64BF19AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_ITEM_PRICE_DTL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION drop constraint FKB3D3F7D6C13085DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION drop constraint FKB3D3F7D681F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION drop constraint FKB3D3F7D689FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION drop constraint FKB3D3F7D69AF166DF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_MULTISHIP_OPTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_OFFER_CODE_XREF drop constraint FKFDF0E8533BB10F6D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_OFFER_CODE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_OFFER_CODE_XREF drop constraint FKFDF0E85389FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_OFFER_CODE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT drop constraint FK9517A14FC13085DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT drop constraint FK9517A14F89FE8A02
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION drop constraint FK86FDE7CE6A69DD9D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION drop constraint FK86FDE7CEE1B66C71
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_ORDER_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE drop constraint FKF41BEDD5D49D3961
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE_FLD_MAP drop constraint FKE9EE09515AEDD08A
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE_FLD_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE_FLD_MAP drop constraint FKE9EE0951883C2667
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE_FLD_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE_RULE_MAP drop constraint FK1ABA0CA336D91846
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE_RULE_MAP drop constraint FK1ABA0CA3C38455DD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAGE_TMPLT drop constraint FK325C9D5A1E1C128
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAGE_TMPLT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAYMENT_LOG drop constraint FKA43703453E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAYMENT_LOG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PAYMENT_LOG drop constraint FKA43703457470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PAYMENT_LOG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PGTMPLT_FLDGRP_XREF drop constraint FK99D625F66A79BDB5
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PGTMPLT_FLDGRP_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PGTMPLT_FLDGRP_XREF drop constraint FK99D625F6D49D3961
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PGTMPLT_FLDGRP_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT drop constraint FK5B95B7C9DF057C3F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT drop constraint FK5B95B7C96D386535
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE drop constraint FK56CE05865F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_BUNDLE drop constraint FK8CC5B85F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_BUNDLE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE drop constraint FK8324FB3C15D1A13D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE drop constraint FK8324FB3C5F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE drop constraint FK8324FB3C62D84F9B
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_CROSS_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_FEATURED drop constraint FK4C49FFE415D1A13D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_FEATURED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_FEATURED drop constraint FK4C49FFE45F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_FEATURED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_VALUE drop constraint FK6DEEEDBD92EA8136
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_VALUE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_XREF drop constraint FKDA42AB2F5F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_XREF drop constraint FKDA42AB2F92EA8136
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_OPTION_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_SKU_XREF drop constraint FKF2DBF6D35F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_SKU_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_SKU_XREF drop constraint FKF2DBF6D3B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_SKU_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE drop constraint FKF69054F515D1A13D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE drop constraint FKF69054F55F11A0B7
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE drop constraint FKF69054F562D84F9B
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_PRODUCT_UP_SALE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FKD592E9193615A91A
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FKD592E919D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_PAGE_XREF drop constraint FK874BE590883C2667
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_PAGE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_PAGE_XREF drop constraint FK874BE590378418CD
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_PAGE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_SC_XREF drop constraint FKC4A353AF13D95585
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_SC_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_QUAL_CRIT_SC_XREF drop constraint FKC4A353AF85C77F2B
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_QUAL_CRIT_SC_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_RATING_DETAIL drop constraint FKC9D04AD7470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_RATING_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_RATING_DETAIL drop constraint FKC9D04ADD4E76BF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_RATING_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL drop constraint FK9CD7E6927470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL drop constraint FK9CD7E69245DC39E0
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL drop constraint FK9CD7E692D4E76BF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_REVIEW_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_REVIEW_FEEDBACK drop constraint FK7CC929867470F437
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_REVIEW_FEEDBACK
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_REVIEW_FEEDBACK drop constraint FK7CC92986AE4769D6
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_REVIEW_FEEDBACK
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SANDBOX drop constraint FKDD37A9A174160452
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SANDBOX
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SANDBOX_MGMT drop constraint FK4845009F579FE59D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SANDBOX_MGMT
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC drop constraint FK74EEB716A1E1C128
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC drop constraint FK74EEB71671EBFA46
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_FLDGRP_XREF drop constraint FK71612AEA6A79BDB5
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_FLDGRP_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_FLDGRP_XREF drop constraint FK71612AEAF6B0BA84
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_FLDGRP_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_FLD_MAP drop constraint FKD9480192DD6FD28A
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_FLD_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_FLD_MAP drop constraint FKD948019213D95585
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_FLD_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_RULE_MAP drop constraint FK169F1C8256E51A06
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_RULE_MAP drop constraint FK169F1C82156E72FC
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_RULE_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SC_TYPE drop constraint FKE19886C3F6B0BA84
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SC_TYPE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SEARCH_FACET drop constraint FK4FFCC9863C3907C4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SEARCH_FACET
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SEARCH_FACET_RANGE drop constraint FK7EC3B124B96B1C93
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SEARCH_FACET_RANGE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SEARCH_FACET_XREF drop constraint FK35A63034DA7E1C7C
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SEARCH_FACET_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SEARCH_FACET_XREF drop constraint FK35A63034B96B1C93
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SEARCH_FACET_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SITE_CATALOG drop constraint FK5F3F2047843A8B63
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SITE_CATALOG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SITE_CATALOG drop constraint FK5F3F2047A350C7F1
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SITE_CATALOG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SITE_MAP_CFG drop constraint FK7012930FC50D449
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SITE_MAP_CFG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG drop constraint FK1D76000A340ED71
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SITE_MAP_GEN_CFG
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SITE_MAP_URL_ENTRY drop constraint FKE2004FED36AFE1EE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SITE_MAP_URL_ENTRY
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU drop constraint FK28E82CF73E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU drop constraint FK28E82CF77E555D75
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_ATTRIBUTE drop constraint FK6C6A5934B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_ATTRIBUTE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_ITEM drop constraint FKD55968CCF29B96
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_ITEM drop constraint FKD55968B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_BUNDLE_ITEM
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FEE drop constraint FKEEB7181E3E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FEE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FEE_XREF drop constraint FKD88D409CB78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FEE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FEE_XREF drop constraint FKD88D409CCF4C9A82
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FEE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_EXCLUDED drop constraint FK84162D7381F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_EXCLUDED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_EXCLUDED drop constraint FK84162D73B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_EXCLUDED
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_FLAT_RATES drop constraint FKC1988C9681F34C7F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_FLAT_RATES
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_FLAT_RATES drop constraint FKC1988C96B78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_FULFILLMENT_FLAT_RATES
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_MEDIA_MAP drop constraint FKEB4AECF96E4720E0
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_MEDIA_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_MEDIA_MAP drop constraint FKEB4AECF9D93D857F
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_MEDIA_MAP
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_OPTION_VALUE_XREF drop constraint FK7B61DC0BB0C16A73
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_OPTION_VALUE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_SKU_OPTION_VALUE_XREF drop constraint FK7B61DC0BB78C9977
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_SKU_OPTION_VALUE_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_STATE drop constraint FK8F94A1EBA46E16CF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_STATE
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_TAR_CRIT_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FK125F58033615A91A
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_TAR_CRIT_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_TAR_CRIT_OFFER_XREF drop constraint FK125F5803D5F3FAF4
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_TAR_CRIT_OFFER_XREF
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_TAX_DETAIL drop constraint FKEABE4A4B3E2FC4F9
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_TAX_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_TAX_DETAIL drop constraint FKEABE4A4BC50D449
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_TAX_DETAIL
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - HHH000389: Unsuccessful: alter table BLC_TRANS_ADDITNL_FIELDS drop constraint FK376DDE4B9E955B1D
[artifact:mvn] [ERROR] 22:01:07 SchemaExport - user lacks privilege or object not found: PUBLIC.BLC_TRANS_ADDITNL_FIELDS
[artifact:mvn] [ WARN] 22:01:30 SolrResourceLoader - Can't find (or read) directory to add to classloader: lib (resolved as: /var/folders/n8/s7njkfvn0n96d6zrqg4y_9jw0000gq/T/msl/solrhome/lib).
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:01:39.294:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:started o.m.j.p.JettyWebAppContext{/,file:/Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/target/cartimp/},file:/Users/msl/Downloads/eclipse-workspace/DemoSite/site/target/cartimp/
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:01:39.589:INFO:/:Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'cartimp'
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:01:47.125:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:01:48.289:INFO:oejus.SslContextFactory:Enabled Protocols [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2] of [SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2]
[artifact:mvn] 2015-01-27 22:01:48.293:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SslSelectChannelConnector@
[artifact:mvn] [INFO] Started Jetty Server
[artifact:mvn] [ WARN] 22:03:49 PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/] in DispatcherServlet with name 'cartimp'